Typed Hack of Cloudant using F#
There is a continues war between typed and untyped data. But then there is need of finding a middle ground for ever growing application. There is place, a requirement when I feel application should be typed and data store should be untyped. So, I created this little code snippet to access cloudant (a couchbase fork) NOSQL database.
I was knowing about Cloudant from long back. Even before IBM bought it. It is indeed a wonderful service and also kinda free for small stuff. I thought this will be best fit for now. (I still don’t know why I didn’t use Mongodb).
As there is no need of scary relations ships with database. So, I decided to use this one.
Now as one problem is solved other started. It is saving data that is in JSON format. That is untyped and F# is statically typed. I have tried few libraries developed in C# but was not happy. So, I thought it is just a HTTP request, why shouldn’t I give it as shot to make one of my own helper module? It is may be some what dirty attempt but I got it working what I needed with less than 100 lines. Here is code snippets.
#r "../packages/Http.fs.1.4.0/lib/net40/HttpClient.dll"
#r "../packages/Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.6/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
open HttpClient
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
type Row<'a> =
{ id : string
key : string
value : 'a }
type ResultSet<'a> =
{ total_rows : int
offset : int
rows : Row<'a> [] }
type PostResult =
{ ok : string
id : string
rev : string }
type PostError =
{ error : string
reason : string }
let cloudantUrl = @"<cloudanturl/databasename/>"
let username = @"<username>"
let password = @"<password>"
let private cloudantGet url =
let request =
createRequest Get url
|> withBasicAuthentication username password
|> withHeader (ContentType "application/json")
request |> getResponseBody
let private cloudantPost url data =
let request =
createRequest Post url
|> withBasicAuthentication username password
|> withBody data
|> withHeader (ContentType "application/json")
request |> getResponseBody
let private checkDataForNewId (data : JObject) =
let removeIdrev (data : JObject) =
data.Remove("_id") |> ignore
data.Remove("_rev") |> ignore
if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.["_id"].ToString()) || System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.["_rev"].ToString()) then
removeIdrev data
let PostJson<'a> data =
let serializedObject = JObject.FromObject(data) |> checkDataForNewId
serializedObject.Add("$doctype", JToken.Parse("'" + data.GetType().Name + "'"))
cloudantPost cloudantUrl <| serializedObject.ToString()
let GetJsonByType<'a> =
let resultset =
(cloudantGet (cloudantUrl + "/_design/Type/_view/" + typeof<'a>.Name))
query {
for row in resultset.rows do
select row.value
let GetJsonById<'a> Id = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'a>(cloudantGet (cloudantUrl + Id))
type Person =
{ _id : string
_rev : string
FirstName : string
LastName : string }
let newPerson =
{ _id = ""
_rev = ""
FirstName = "Boom"
LastName = "Baam" }
let inline isNull (x:^a when ^a : not struct) =
obj.ReferenceEquals (x, Unchecked.defaultof<_>)
let findPerson =
query {
for p in GetJsonByType<Person> do
where (p.FirstName = "Boom")
select p
isNull findPerson
GetJsonById<Person> ("3b389dc6b8ee0dcbf7f366faaa59cf42")
In above code below part is just for testing. And even with that code snippet is 98 lines. So, with blank line removed it is even short.
Now, in cloudant I need to create views so its code is like
function(doc) {
if (doc.$doctype !== "Person") return;
var copydoc = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc));
delete copydoc["$doctype"];
I need $doctype
while I am inserting or updating data only, not while reading. So, I am removing it. As I am already filtering based on type.
In above code two libraries are getting used one is Http.fs and the other is JSON.net libraries.
In library as you can see I am not doing anything special. I am inserting data with type information. If new data is there I am removing _id
and _rev
and for simplicity sake I had put _id
and _rev
in all the types I am using to interacting with Cloudant data store.
So, now whenever I am reading I just need to give type and that will be fetched as collection of that typed records. And once collection came to memory now I have powerful F# to process data. In above code I am using query
expression to do so. It becomes very easy and fun to use. And it is damn fast. At least for now.
Now, I don’t know it if perfect or not. It kinda part functional and part Object Oriented as far as I know. Should I convert this to Type Provider or is it possible or not? I don’t know. But one thing is sure I am achieving what I wanted with simplest possible code.
Dear F# community members do provide your views on this. And also let me know if it will be use full to make it more mature and push it as nuget package. Or may be a type provider for Cloudant?
Highly inspired by Daniel Mohl’s old library FSharpCouch. Thank you… :)