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SignalR + Servciestack with F# hosted on Azure

This may be nastiest thing I have done with deployment after a long time. There is no problem with making it work. But deployment on azure is a serious issue. And luckily I completed that. Yes, there is a luck involved.

If you read my previous entry for running Nancy and SignalR together. Then most of the things are same only.

Use Servicestack template to create project. Remove global.asax & global.asax.fs (yes remove it!). Install SignalR package from nuget. And copy paste below code in AppCode.fs

namespace ServicestackSignalRFSharp.App_Start
    open ServiceStack
    open ServiceStack.Common
    open ServicestackSignalRFSharp
    open ServiceStack.Razor
    open System
    open Owin

    type AppHost() = 
        inherit AppHostBase("Hello F# Service", 
        override this.Configure container =
            Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("In servicestack configure");
            this.Plugins.Add(new RazorFormat())

        static member start() = 
            let apphost = new AppHost()
            Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("In servicestack start");
            apphost.Init() |> ignore

    type Startup()=
        member x.Configuration(app : Owin.IAppBuilder) = 
            Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("In signalr startup");
            app.MapSignalR() |> ignore        

    do ()

Don’t forget to rename the namespace as per your project namespace.

As per my Nancy article changed the index.cshtml to get signalR client running. Once done run it. It should work hello world of Servicestack and Hello Chat from SignalR.

If things still not work here is my github repo. Have a look at code. And also it is deployed over azure.

###My Personal Experience### One thing I like to clear it upfront. Even though I was able to run Servicestack and SignalR together but they are still running differently under the hood. Servicestack is hitting directly and signalR is hitting via OWIN.

I am also not making web service real time. It is just both can easily run together. Making them run together was easy task. But deploying on azure is a serious pain in a**.

Yes, azure is. It is so damn easy to deploy traditional imperative C# project as azure web site but functional F# project. It is like giving death by a thousand cuts. You solve one issue and another issue came. Just like pipeline operator.

It is more like whatever F# is compensating by making development easy, deployment is making it even.

That is the same with above code. global.asax.fs is working in local, I can even put a break point but it is not working on azure. I put a trace in every possible function and at last find out. (Special thanks to Demis Bellot for pointing out this possible issue.)

Even though F# is picking up new height, and I personally contributed and will continue to contribute in templates. But if someone want to take full advantage of F# in web development today with cloud then s/he need to make one C# project and point F# to them. Just to get best of both worlds.

Yes, C# is still far better when it comes to csproj file. o_O

As usual working with functional language is always fun experience and now we have web service that we can scale with real time icing.

So, now.

Servicestack |> Razor |> SignalR |> Azure (with little hiccups) |> F# |> lots of love.