F# 8: Unwrapping New Features and Nostalgic Connections

Ah, F#—the language that keeps surprising us! The recent release of F# 8 brings a bag full of goodies that not only enhance the language but also make us chuckle at the memories. It’s like the F# team is constantly pulling rabbits out of their hats. You can dive into the extensive list of changes in the official announcement blog post, but let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see how some of these updates echo with libraries from the past.

Breath of Fresh Air with Solid JS and Fable.Solid

History I have spent the better part of my engineering career developing web applications. From frameworks like JQuery to AngularJS to KnockoutJS to React everywhere. These were many aha moments of history. But after ReactJS launched there was no that kind of aha moment happened. Elm was there, but it can’t beat the reach or impact of ReactJS. One thing from Elm land adopted by all frameworks is The Elm Architecture.

Plotly, F# and Response of India to Covid Crisis

Recently I got the chance to work with the Plotly team. I was helping them to set up the F# documentation pipeline. There was less of F# but more of hacking around Jupyter notebooks and their plugins. But I like the Plotly library and its cross-platform approach. They are available for almost all languages. Plotly Dash is kind of another next-level beast again available for all the languages. Here obviously we are going to talk about only F#.

Differentiating Web Assembly with F#

This post is part of F# Advent calender. Thanks Sergey Tihon for arranging this and giving me chance. JavaScript is a different kind of beast when it comes to a programming language. It is easy to learn but too hard to master. I still get nightmares of interview questions about JavaScript code. One needs to select the correct output for a given code snippet. For all those reasons, I always go for languages transpile to JavaScript.

F# on Jupyter

This blog is part of FSAdvent F# calendar 2019. Jupyter has been around for ages. The data scientist’s one of the favorite tools. Kind of best thing to write words, equations and result in the best possible manner. F# is and was a poster child for DotNet to do Data Science. I never liked the poster child part but still, it is what it is. I ’ll come to that little later on.

Shades of F#

I am writing after a long time for F#. And this would be a little bit controversial post. Take it with a pinch of salt. Recently I got a call from some company who wants me to do some job in F#, for its client. The client took my interview and told that its client wants to do some work in F#. Things were going smoothly until the interviewer asked me that I should be writing F# code following standard and design patterns.

Functional Programming Adventures in 2019

Happy New Year I like to start with wishing all the readers A Very Happy New Year… I wish 2019 for you will be too much fun and less of issues. Speaking of issues, will going to talk about Functional Programming. Because if you are coding with Functional Programming you normally get fewer errors. I love them for those reasons. In this post also as the title suggests I will be going to talk about Functional Programming only.