To Xamarin with Love

Xamarin Evolve just concluded. And there no best time to write this post. And for the fact I am not writing anything new or even anything related to announcements that happened there. I am writing this because recently I got chance to work with android using Java. And experience was not at all good. And reason is not so surprisingly Java. I am will not explain anything instead I just copy paste three code snippets.

Web programming and F# still a Far Cry?

F# is wonderful language. And luckily or unluckily I do Web Programming (now a days mostly that). So, it is always a preference to use it, wherever possible. But even in 2014 end it is still pain in a**. I did make templates for Servicestack and I will continue to support that. But when it comes to real projects they go far beyond templates. I recently experimenting on something and obviously I am gonna use templates created by me.

My broken marriage with C# and extramarital affair with F#

NOTE- As per today I am neither married nor committed. And for that case never married and never committed. :P Whoever is following my progress must be knowing my love for F#. Neither me nor F# knows exact time and date when that happen. But now it is like if few days I have to pass without writing few lines to(in) F# then it felt like I have left software engineering for good.

SignalR + Servciestack with F# hosted on Azure

This may be nastiest thing I have done with deployment after a long time. There is no problem with making it work. But deployment on azure is a serious issue. And luckily I completed that. Yes, there is a luck involved. If you read my previous entry for running Nancy and SignalR together. Then most of the things are same only. Use Servicestack template to create project. Remove global.asax & global.

Xamarin Studio 3 - First Look

Few days back I got mail from Xamarin about their launch of new IDE. And also for the registration of webinar. And just like always they again managed to blow my mind. I don’t know what else they are having for upcoming evolve conference.. Xamarin is like technical democracy. A company of Technical People, by the technical people and for the technical people. A kinda awesome. Just like their new studio.

Thanks to wonderful community

Few days back Scott Hanselman tweeted And I think, I should do that. But twitter is too short and emails boring even I don’t have email ids of few of my favourite Open Source project managers. But I am not shying away from thanking. So, I am writing this entry. Will try to cover as many person as possible who made important part in my life; mainly professionally and sometimes personally too.

SignalR + Nancy with F# hosted on Azure

What you feel if you meet your favourite actor? Feeling is wonderful right? Now, add the your actress in the mixture. Have you said WOW??? How about director? Still heart is beating?!? How about having dinner with them? Nothing can be better than that. I am having kinda same feeling. It is nothing new that Nancy is dancing quite comfortable with F#. And thanks to Daniel Mohl we are also having templates to get started with Nancy and F#.